Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So sweet!

(But on a closer look there is an old loved doll being traded for the new fancy one. Oh, well.)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Coleccion Pasional - a Romance Comic found in Mexico

I don't read Spanish at all, but you can look at these and get an idea of what is going on. Or make up your own versions! Here's the covers and a few bits from the stories.

Well, you just know this is the back cover!

Love this car!

I think he has Elvis eyes!

Is that her Mother? Really?

Looking good even in pajamas!

I think he's talking about her walk...it's pretty strange.

Who cares what it says...it's all about that dress!

I think this says that her mother made her wait three years to wear this dress...my only attempt at getting any of these translated, but I could be wrong.

If you can really translate these do share...or if you want to make up your own stories about these characters just add to the comments!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More 1924 Christmas Treats

Prettiest Dolls in Toyland!

"Blue Bonnet has come to play with you"

"Wouldn't you like to sew for this dolly?"

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Montgomery Ward Catalog 1924

Great Sport For Little Folk...Choose from the doll Babette, a Velocipede or the Kiddo Bike!

Speak Dear Tis Leap Year

Some cozy hats and gift ideas. And a sassy little locket!

Bellas Hess Catalog Fall/Winter 1940-41

The front and back pages...with more to follow.

Christmas Capers

From Charm Magazine December 1944

Let's Get Started!

There's no time like now to just jump in and get started. So tonight I'll start this blog. I hope it will be a place to show the things I find in my travels. I often feel the need to rescue my finds, so posting them here will assure they have a good home...by bringing them to your home.
So bear with a newbie. And watch this space for surprises, and delights, and stuff I just like.