Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

A Gibson Girl Christmas Message - 1910

From her....and me. I wish you all good things,Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Ravishing Runarounds for that Well-Heeled Look

The Ladies who shopped thru the 1960 Floride Fashions catalog had a chance to order these "Ravishing Runarounds for that Well-Heeled Look". And while those Sawtooth Sensations might get all the attention, the Bunny Fur Collared slippers are pretty fierce too!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What the Kids Wore to the Christmas Party - 1960

In this 1960 Florida Fashions catalog there are lots of suggestions for the kids. Mom was responsible for making them look picture perfect at all times, but especially when company was coming. So the have to have darling new outfits, matching everything, and every bit of it had to be ironed. It's no wonder Mom needed a cocktail once in a while.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Few Unmentionables for Christmas - 1960

A few more images from the 1960 Florida Fashions Catalog. Here are some lovely lingerie and frilly things to brighten the holidays!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What to wear to the Christmas Party - 1960 Florida Fashions Inc.

This is a terrific catalog from Florida Fashions with lots of glamorous holiday choices from 1960. You just know that the Mad Men era was in full swing, that's a Joan Holloway look-a-like on the cover. But if you want to look just right at the company cocktail party you need to order soon, but they do offer "New Jet Air Super Service".

I wasn't able to find out much about this company, but this particular one was mailed to a Miss Elise in California, so they must have been nationwide. After all Florida Fashion Inc. "Brings Florida Glamour To You!"

Actually I always enjoy these sorts of catalogs because this is what women really wore and bought for their families. My mom (or your grandma) would have ordered from these exact sorts of catalogs and paid these prices. They could "Look like a Million! - for little money".

Monday, December 10, 2012

Montgomery Ward Catalog 1924 Christmas Decorations

Are you putting up decorations already? You could choose from the 1924 Montgomery Ward Catalog. These are exquisite! Be sure to enlarge for details.
(A repost from December, 2008)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Montgomery Ward Catalog Christmas Toys - 1924

Great Sport For Little Folk...Choose from the doll Babette, a Velocipede or the Kiddo Bike!
(A repost form December 2008)