Sunday, January 31, 2010
Helen Walker wearing Jiminy - 1944

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Two-Piecers Take to Soft Or Tailored Lines - 1947

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Get to know the modern Rogers Peet - 1937
"Rogers Peet was a men's clothing company founded on November 6, 1874. Rogers Peet introduced several innovations into the men's wear business: they attached tags to garments giving fabric composition, they marked garments with price tags (the established practice was to haggle), they offered customers their money back if not satisfied, and they used illustrations of specific merchandise in their advertising."

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Treasure Cots and Maternity Frocks - 1932

Monday, January 18, 2010
Galey and Lord Town Cottons - 1945

"Partners William Galey and Charles Lord founded Galey & Lord in 1886 to market fabrics to the apparel industry. The pair established the company as a selling agent for their other business, Aberfoyle, a mill in Pennsylvania. The firm grew steadily, and by 1922 it also functioned as sales agent for Camerton Mills. During the Great Depression, Galey & Lord manufactured a fabric common for civilian work wear--khaki. Though expensive, khaki earned its place as a conventional apparel fabric at this time." More info found here.
Each of these dresses was available from the Montgomery Ward Catalog, Spring/Summer in 1945. The dresses were $12.98 each, the hats, "Large Sailor hat of lustrous imported Straw Braid" and "Smart Mushroom Brim Bonnet of rich imported Straw Braid" were $12.50 each.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Chicago Mail Order Catalog ad - 1927

"The attractive coats shown here are splendid examples of the alluring fashions and unusual bargains you will find in this interesting book-a perfect guide to styles. Every page of our great Fall and Winter Style Book and Family Outfitter offers YOU a saving. For almost 40 years we have been building better value into wearing apparel for the entire family, at lower prices than you would ordinarily expect to pay for stylish merchandise of Guaranteed Quality. Our aibility to make tremendous purchases at great savings, our control of sources of production and our willingness to sell in large quantities at a very low percentage of profit assure you that everything you buy will give you that service and satisfaction you have a right to expect. 3,500,000 customers have learned to depend upon the Chicago Mail Order Co. for finer styles, better quality and lower prices. Send for our big Catalog-it's Free."
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Designs for the Winter - Needlecraft Magazine 1915

Ladies Suit
Well suited to the season is this charming suit, No. 7487 and No. 7477, which has the new blouse coat made with the upper part separate from the circular peplum. The closing is high, but the arrangement of the neck is adjustable so that the coat may be worn closed or open at will. The sleeves are plain and may flare at the wrist or not, as desired.
The simple walking-skirt made with four gores, and has a front closing. There are pockets at each side of the front, and additional change-pockets on the belt.
The present season is marked by the use of fur on all manner of garments. On this suit it serves effectively as trimming for collar, cuffs and peplum-edge. A band may also edge the skirt.
This style is much liked for velveteen and for broadcloth, as well as for some of the heavier novelty mixtures.
The coat - pattern, No. 7487, is cut in sizes from 34 to 44 inches bust measure. To make the coat in the medium size will require 2 3/4 yards of 44-inch material, with 4 1/2 yards of fur to trim as shown.
The skirt - pattern, No. 7477, is cut in sizes from 22 to 34 inches waist measure. To make the skirt in the medium size will require 2 3/4 yards of 44 inch material.
Ladies' and Misses' Evening Coat
There is hardly anyone who does not at some time during the winter season need an evening wrap. The one shown, No. 7473, is simple in style, and depends upon the material used for its richness of effect.
The fronts are plain, closed in the center, with adjustable collar which miay be worn closed or open. The back is seamless, but a seam will scarcely show should narrow material require one. There is just a little easing of the fabric around the neck, giving graceful lines below. The sleeves are plain and wide, inserted in the regulation manner.
Such a coat as this will be handsome in any of the new velvet weaves, waterfall, velours, or plush and also in satin, broadcloth and similar materials. These, will all require an interlining. Fur makes a smart trimming, but something less costly may be substituted if desired.
The coat - ptttern, No. 7473, is cut in sizes for 34, 38 and 42 inches bust measure. To make the coat in the medium size will require 5 3/4 yards of 36 inch material, with 5 3/8 yards of fur banding.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
You Can Wear Your Dirndl Tyrolean Blouse With Everything - 1937

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
There will be a quiz later!

Thursday, January 7, 2010
New Frocks of British Washing Silks - 1932

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Coz' Every Girl's Crazy 'Bout A Sharp Dressed Man!

"Hollywood Style-Hits for Peppy Young Fellows." "A Suit good enough for the President's son."
"On the level men, it's the greatest "suit-buy" in all America, a suit men who never paid less than $15.00 would be glad to wear."
"These "Style-Clad" suits tower like skyscrapers over competitive suits..."
"Ken Maynard (Famous Hero Of Many Movie Thrillers) says: Your "Style-Clad" clothes for men, not only meet with my heartiest approval as to fashion-rightness and tailoring, but astound me beyond words by their low price!"
"A brisk, virile-looking style, interpreted by a strong, super-serviceble material...that's a "team" to win any man!"
"A smart, fashion-right suit, with a double-breasted, patch-pocketed coat that gives "the younger element" the brisk, sporty breezy air of a motion-picture magnet "off-duty"."
"Days that would make you feel as limp as a wet dish-rag if you wore a wool suit, won't faze the man wearing either of these summertime pep-savers!"
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Moga - Russian Fashions from 1980's- Part 4