Sunday, January 1, 2012

Make your own Lilly Dache Circle Hat! 1953

Here's a little gift to start your New Year off right. A full size pattern for a Lilly Dache Circle Hat! There are tons of styles and ways to wear this, you'll have so much fun picking out fabrics and're welcome!
(Oh, and if you scroll all the way down there's an extra treat)

And as an extra bonus, here's how to make Lilly Dache Scarves.


  1. I'm totally making one of those once my friend's sewing machine is fixed. :)


  2. What a marvelous thing -- thank you for sharing it! Though that first photo reminds me of that "I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head" picture.

  3. Thank you!! This is so do-able!!

  4. Amazing! Thank you!

    And is that a young Tippi Hedren I spy in the middle of image #6?

  5. This really is cool, the more I look the more possibilities I see. If any of you make any please send me pics and I'll share!

  6. Well! I guess I know what I'll be whipping up this week!!! I so need a few of those!

  7. Positively inspiring! Looking at all the examples, I guess one is only limited by one's imagination with the circle hat pattern. Thanks so much for sharing this winning design! :D
