Monday, May 10, 2010

An Evening Hood - Demorest's Monthly Magazine - 1889

Evening Hood

"A Long shawl or scarf of orange-colored China crape, three and one-half yards long and twenty-four inches wide is used to make this graceful and becoming hood for evening wear. A bonnet frame of lace net, with a close brim (preferably in Marie Stuart shape), forms the foundation on which the scarf is arranged as in the illustration, one yard at each end being allowed for the strings, and a curtain about ten inches deep left at the back. The brim is covered with black velvet laid in folds, and a bow of black velvet with a white aigrette placed in front. The ends are tied with bows of black velvet ribbon. Any soft material can easily be arranged in this way, black or white lace and cashmere in delicate tints being quite appropriate and very becoming. We do not furnish a pattern of this hood."

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