Saturday, December 27, 2008

Coleccion Pasional - a Romance Comic found in Mexico

I don't read Spanish at all, but you can look at these and get an idea of what is going on. Or make up your own versions! Here's the covers and a few bits from the stories.

Well, you just know this is the back cover!

Love this car!

I think he has Elvis eyes!

Is that her Mother? Really?

Looking good even in pajamas!

I think he's talking about her's pretty strange.

Who cares what it's all about that dress!

I think this says that her mother made her wait three years to wear this only attempt at getting any of these translated, but I could be wrong.

If you can really translate these do share...or if you want to make up your own stories about these characters just add to the comments!


  1. According to Babel Fish Elvis eyes says:

    Moments later: We speak well of businesses, Senior Revas: I need that you to me present/display a project written with details is only for having a complete idea.


  2. That's a lot of steam for such a boring comment...I'm thinking there is more going on!
