This week I am going to show you a series of photos From "Clothes For You" by Mildred Graves Ryan and Velma Phillips (Published by Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. Copyright 1947, Second Edition 1954) . This was a text book written "as a guide for the young woman who wishes to be well-dressed". They have included some wonderful photos of outfits as suggestions and inspiration. Some are from pattern companies, some from top designers of the era.
"Are you sometimes perplexed when you plan your wardrobe by the variety of dresses, suits, coats, blouses, jackets, and accessories from which you have to choose? In order to help you with this problem, this portfolio of fashion has been included. Here you will find clothes of various types, both classic and high style, that may be worn by certain individuals depending on their age, figure, personality, where they live, and the occasion for which the clothes are to be worn. As you look at these pictures imagine that you are watching a fashion show and that you are selecting costumes that are correct for you. Of course there will be some clothes that will fit your needs perfectly but there will be others that you cannot wear. But perhaps you can visualize the type of person who can wear these outfits. Do try. In this way you will be able to develop discerning taste. If at any time the fashions that are presented here appear out of date, you can supplement them with a portfolio of your own. The captions that you will find at the end of this fashion collection will aid you in your study of the costumes."

1. Two smart costumes achieved by combining a simple skirt with a perky blouse. (Courtesy of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc.)

2. The classic sweater and skirt which is always popular with the student is worn with smart distinction. (Courtesy of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc.)

3. A checked weskit adds gaiety to the campus suit. (Courtesy of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc.)

4a. Blouses give variety to the wardrobe. A simple, tailored blouse looks equally well in the classroom or in the office. (Courtesy of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc.)

4b. The tailored sleeveless blouse becomes an interesting part of the suit costume. (Courtesy of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc.)