Sunday, July 19, 2009

You've got talent. You've got taste. How can you go wrong?

Any sewing disaster stories to share?


  1. Most of mine are sewing disaster's a plain job becomes a chore

  2. When I was in 4th grade everyone in the class had to pick an animal out of the ocean and do a report on it. Then we had to create said animal out of paper mache or fabric. I went with the manatee and decided to sew it. I found a beautiful soft cordoroy and my mom did the sewing. When we turned it right-side-out we discovered she had sewn the flippers INSIDE the body! Of course we corrected it, but it still makes me smile to think of it.

    Also, your question reminds me of the Cosby show where Denise makes that yellow and black shirt for Theo that comes out all wrong.

  3. I always have sewing disasters unfortunately.

  4. I am about to have a sewing diaster...I have a baby quilt mostly cut out...and now the baby shower is in two weeks! It isn't meant to be hand quilted, thank goodness, but it is meant to be more than a pile of squares cut out. I need to get busy!

  5. Many years ago, I committed myself to sewing a bridesmaid dress for one of my sisters.

    The bride had purchased the fabric (emerald green raw silk) in Hong Kong. Everything you can imagine went wrong but somehow the dress got completed and worn and I believe is still hanging around in a dry-cleaner's bag in my sister's basement.
