5. A plaid dress designed with classic lines may go to the office as well as to college. (Courtesy of Franklin Simon and Co.)
6. This coat dress has slim, youthful lines and will be pleasing for many occasions. (Courtesy of Peck and Peck)
7. A simple top-coat with swinging lines is a good type for the college student. (Courtesy of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc.)
8. A small bit of fur worn as an ascot lends a smart, fashionable note to this simple suit. (Courtesy of Fredrica Furs)
9. A jaunty, short coat will look equally well when worn with a slender skirt or a bouffant dress. (Courtesy of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc.)
10. A nicely tailored suit which makes an excellent costume for shopping or office wear. (Courtesy of Glenhaven, Ltd.)
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