Here is a gift that makes a really substantial showing and the entire cost of it will be three-quarters of a yard of silk, a matching belt buckle and a little thread. For this small investment you can make a scarf, cuff and belt set that fits perfectly into the new mode for simple frocks and smart accessories.
Either flat crepe or taffeta is good material to use, and be sure to choose a color that has some interest-a red that is a little rusty or that leans a little toward magenta, a blue that is a little green or quite violet, a green that is deep and strong or soft and silvery or an amber color with life in it.
The silk will probably be 39 or 40 inches wide. The diagram at the upper left gives you the dimensions for dividing the three-quarter yard to make this set. The section shown at D is the scarf. B and C are the scarf ties. D and E are the cuffs. F is the belt.
Fringe The edges of the scarf square one-half inch deep, then stitch along the top of the fringe to keep the material from raveling more. Fold corner wise wrong side just a little off center, as shown here in diagram E. Mark a 4-inch slash at the center of the fold edge, stitch around the marking and then slash between the rows of stitching, as indicated in this diagram. Turn right side out, press the turned edge turn back the slashed corners, make the ties double and sew them on as at G.
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