Mommy looked at the calendar. "April first already!" she exclaimed. "Goodness, what a silly I was, at your age, on April Fool's Day! We used to put a big 3 in front of the 1 on the calendar, to make the date April 31. Another trick was to tell my daddy to call Mr. Fish at main 06 something-or-other, the telephone number down at the aquarium.
Oh, and the pocketbook trick. We'd put a pocketbook on the sidewalk, with a black thread attached, and when anybody stooped to pick it up, we'd yank it away and shout, 'APRIL FOOL!' Sort of simpleminded of us, I'd say." I didn't tell Mommy that I was playing a trick on her and that I had put SALT in the sugar bowl. I held my breath while she put two spoonfuls into her breakfast coffee. She stirred it and drank it and didn't say a WORD. And then she put a heaping spoonful of it on my cereal. I said I wasn't hungry and, oh, everything I could think of, so I wouldn't have to eat the awful stuff. But Mommy insisted, with a twinkle in her eye. So I put a spoonful in my mouth. And it was SWEET. I must have looked surprised, because she laughed. "I forgot to tell you that we used to switch the sugar and salt, too," she said. "So I just switched them back. APRIL FOOL, Betsy!"
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Betsy McCall's April Fool - A Paper Doll's Story from 1968
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
"Peasant Surprise" - A Slack Suit from Betty Co-Ed of Hollywood - 1947
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Twist - All About The Craze That Rocks The Nation - 1963

"They call it the Teenagers gift to the Top Hat and Tails Set! It's that swinging, swaying, wiggling, waggling wonder dance that has turned out to be the greatest movement to hit the hi-toned playboys and playgirls since the Social Register rang up its first 400 names. Every party in every penthouse from Park Avenue to Sutton Place is now a Twist Party! Every mink coat that meets a dress suit immediately asks Do You Twist?" It's become the thing to do, old man, don't cha'know?"
It's hard to know just what to show you from this fabulous's all just so hip! So let's concentrate on the fashion...
Don't you feel like turning up the music? Let's Twist!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
What a Difference Maybelline does Make! - Hollywood Magazine , 1937
"Do you carefully powder and rouge, and then allow pale, scanty lashes and scraggly brows to mar what should be your most expressive feature - your eyes? You would be amazed at the added loveliness that could be so easily yours with Maybelline Eye Beauty Aids!
Simply darken your lashes into long, curling, luxuriant fringe with the famous Maybelline Mascara-in either the economical Solid-form or the popular Cream-form-see how your eyes appear instantly larger and more expressive. Absolutely harmless, non-smarting, and tear-proof. Keeps your lashes soft and silky and tends to make them curl. At any cosmetic counter --only 75¢.
Now a bit of Maybelline Eve Shadow blended softly on your eyelids, and notice how your eyes Immediately take on brilliance and color, adding depth and beauty to your expression!
Form graceful, expressive eyebrows with the smooth-marking, easy to-use Maybelline Eyebrow Pencil. A perfect pencil that you will adore.
Every time you squint or blink your eyes the tender skin around your eyes is creased, encouraging wrinkles. Help to avoid these crow's feet, wrinkles and laugh lines - keep this sensitive skin soft and youthfulby simply smoothing on Maybelline Eye Cream each night.
The name Maybelline is your absolute assurance of purity and effectiveness. These famous products in purse sizes are now within the reach of every girl and woman-at all 10¢ stores. Try them today and see what an amazing difference Maybelline Eye Beauty Aids can make in your appearance."
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
La Donna - Italian Fashion Magazine - 1952 Part 9 - Last Group!
"On the left, the blouse in two tissues and two colors: white linon, profile neck and knots in poplin striped white and blue. Facing page, from left to right, top to bottom: cotton and Scottish cap equal; tashi square-buttoned, blue poplin, slight curl to the back, the flap can be buttoned to a change dummy; vertical lines, pocket on the bias , lapels in a horizontal direction, the formula without-sleeves and very closed to the neck, bright squares, the same formula with open neck and raised; blusotto with slits on the sides and pocket square; of Zephyr stripes: the fabric and lively note most important of camicettine."
"For the very young: in spades white gown printed with black velvet ribbon tied at the waist. Below: chintz dress robes in pink on white linen shorts."
"One reason fantasy about classic costume fabric elastic bra and node nylon. The big-bag very practical bag made of hemp rust and white striped shouldered (OCH)."
"La Boutique: laminate brocade skirt with embroidery of small pearls and white organza blouse for the summer evening. On the right, De Givenchy: buttoned shawl of Jersey in shape."
"Embers: the evening gown do this summer and very light, very rich, long ankle, steam transparent fabric. This small polka dot organza blacks with big lump in life leaning back, the neck scarf softly framed her shoulders bare."
Ending this with that lovely gown makes it all worth while!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
La Donna - Italian Fashion Magazine - 1952 Part 8
"The dressing it deep neckline and bare shoulders may also be taken with a shirt with long sleeves and high neck and reversible, that gives a completely different tone to the collection. This Henry a la Pensee brought two different elastic black belt."
"Marucelli-Boutique: organza blouse with rich yellow striped black sleeve attachment very low."
"The chintz fabric and especially and exclusively devoted to holidays. This two-piece dress and detachable and interchangeable, same skirt or shorts blacks (Bessie Becker)."
"Italian fashion in New York"
"Vanna (left): shantung suit with gridded knot in organza and below at night with white nylon skirt panels curled. Right Venetians white skirt to bodice, blouse, rust and white checked jacket and blacks."
"These clothes were presented to the Fair in New York, "Italy Today". Participated in the event of Italian fashion (Fercioni, Marucelli, Tizzoni, Vanna and Venice, Milan, Antonelli, Carosa, Fontana, Gabriella and Schuberth, of Rome) and four fur (Matti, Pellegrini, Rivella and Viscardi). Each house has presented 10 models, 100 in all, marched daily from 28 May to 12 June. Elegant and exceptional in the audience who attended the fashion shows were noted Marlene Dietrich, Elizabeth Arden, the famous TV actor Renzo Cesana, alongside the biggest names in the business world and the guidelines of the most elegant fashion magazines, Harper's Bazaar, Glamour , Vogue, eccetera."
Monday, March 22, 2010
La Donna - Italian Fashion Magazine - 1952 Part 8
"Pirovano: ivory polka dot silk voile blacks; wealth and gasket on the reasons behind a window, neckline, profiles of black satin."
"Corosa: pink linen dress with profiles blacks that mark because of his tunic. Curiel: fabric embroidered in white on a blue ground, pattern-jumper draped, hints of life high."
"Simonetta Visconti: white checked dress grays and blacks profiles yellow and below-the-neck jumper sweater organza. Fontana: white lines and yellow framed by yellow borders."
"Heim: 1924 in style with a round neckline and low waist straps together apparel below in dancing girl on a blue peacock shantung completed by the navy jacket with white starched collar."
"Paquin: dress elegant urban style crepe pink light marks blacks. The neckline and embellished and framed by the deep reasons of cross-folds, the spindle tight skirt opens on the lower back."
I know these translations leave much to be desired, but I love "spindle tight skirt"!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
La Donna - Italian Fashion Magazine - 1952 Part 7
"Arano Boutique (right), dressed as a holiday poplin printed shawl-scarf over her bare shoulders, and the same shawl can also serve as a hairstyle. Graziella Rizzi (rightmost) sleeved linen chemises and profiles of cotton mesh pockets are on the grounds of fashionable dresses of cloth is to be the last public holiday collections. These motifs are included as a high elastic mesh belt or corset-like bodice with yoke, can be dyed in whole or in contrasting color: blue or red on white, turquoise or light brown on the back."
"Labi (above): white checkered dress and blacks treated in the striped skirt, scarf straps to frame the deep neckline, to the right, in suit-suit jacket, combined with printed poplin."
"Nini Formenti (above), large reversible double skirt with striped edges in contrasting color, and tint the reverse untita edge all'orlatura; carries over very short costume alone (middle). Lucisport (right), white striped dress and black skirt panels, high-necked and sleeveless bodice."
"Formenti (left), hemp apron dress-pink. Lucisport (below), dress-costume evening poplin with high flying curled garnish with flowers from an application of straw."
Saturday, March 20, 2010
La Donna - Italian Fashion Magazine - 1952 Part 7

"Guillermaz. An elegant complement (below): soft and light blue crepe with satin polka dot profiles, the tunic dress and straight, with square neckline, sleeveless organza profiled. In the center, dressed in polka dot poplin skirt with panels because of pockets that cross-basque detached draped the bodice. On the right, together Sangallo black evening dress with bare shoulders profilin knotted black velvet, even the back of the neck and wrists are attached to the jacket of velvet. Broderie anglaise and black velvet reasons are widely used in fashion this summer, also on the sea and the beach."
"Pina and Tina (above), low-cut dress with a spade on the apron skirt profile moderately large, on the facing page the same formula-neck dress with straps made of embroidered fabric type Sangallo whose tone is even more acute by the romantic motif passanastro velvet. Fabric and color remain the dominant motifs of the season, often the only ones that make the same model in a dress for day or evening. The "evening" of summer, it should be stressed, and almost always "short", dealt with simply very attuned to the holidays."
"Miricae (middle), dress straw in two colors: straw fabrics for suits and jackets are very fashionable at the contract for the holidays 1952, at the top, a black linen dress with white applications, further to the right, a large blusone dissolved profiles embroidered worn over narrow pants blacks to Corser. Cavallo (right), dressed in white linen with black net top edges overlapping. The network, like fisherman, often applied with intentions a bit 'quirky and fun to the holidays."
Friday, March 19, 2010
La Donna - Italian Fashion Magazine - 1952 Part 6
"Popline contract in blue (above) with a collar, lapels and sleeves placket with large paintings. The placket which extends to bottom following the line of the contract svasta"
"The cardigan in soft summer evening sandwiches with big blue buttons, black velvet."
"Marucelli, yellow gabardine jacket style sports trousers with blacks."
"Venetians: jacket and blue shirt under a purple treated plisse, green trousers."
"Marucelli-Boutique: I live in spades with white risers knotted tassel necklace; high balzettine board."
"Biki combines cotton faille in a blue evening dress do. Below, blue polka dot cotton, pleated restrained by red edges smooth."
"Biki (above): two pieces in spades with white stitching embroidered MATELASSE Jais. Poplin skirt red red-born abbot on hips, blue and white blouse, belt, elastic."
Thursday, March 18, 2010
La Donna - Italian Fashion Magazine - 1952 Part 5

"Gray, white, black and orange are some slight note the colors of this type of printing used by Emilio Pucci in two pieces with strapless bodice and the jacket of the page next trousers blacks."

"Allegro style sports trousers blusotto"
"The jacket-door blusotto cotton printed as a reason for drawing the name of its author: 'Emilio'."
"... yellow trousers Irene Galitzine, blouse in blue green and red."
"Vacation real peasant skirt"
"Marucelli-Boutique: chintz skirt in a black, blouse Popline. Dealt with padded pockets seams as the high edge of the skirt are split off and joined at the waist. Emilio Popline in bright red with white piping, to the fastening to Russia. Blusotto and pants lined with white edges inverted the reasons for the new tab buttoned straps and pants."
And aren't those fabulous shoes?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
La Donna - Italian Fashion Magazine - 1952 Part 4
"Germana Marucelli. High-waist with an elastic band on a blue linen dress with white piping. Together by the beach: sun dress and polka-dot shantung overcoat, bra, neck and profiles of black velvet."
"From the collection of Rina Modelli. Plaid pants and white jacket with black-yellow linen blouse. Complete in blue and white linen jacket buttoned over the shoulders and hips;-sailor blouse with horizontal stripes."
"Vanna. Holiday dress completely open and reversible, plain and printed, and the same dress with black sweater. Elegant organza dress with horizontal stripes and white with blue velvet belt and profiles."
"Biki Boutique. Gabardine two-piece suit with dead leaf profiles blacks. Skirt with two pockets and a corset laced bodice to the shirt, the same repeated in chintz printed skirt worn with black sweater."